
My girls have been attending Bill's swim school for a couple of years now. We have been paired with a couple different instructors and they are all just fantastic with my 5 and 7 year old. However, the girls have a special love for Mr. Bill himself. My younger daughter, in particular, gets so excited to go swimming and looks forward to our lessons each week. I also love that since the lessons are semi-private the times are a bit more flexible than with group classes, which helps me tremendously when scheduling our week. The one-on-one time has allowed my girls' skills to develop more quickly than if they had of been learning in a group setting. Before I enrolled my kids into these swim lessons, I had heard (from several different people) Mr. Bill had an outstanding reputation as a great instructor. I want everyone to know he really is as good as people say!
Erika MacLean

"I’m 38 years old and I've never learned how to swim. I wanted to learn a new skill and one of those skills was “learn how to not drown”. I didn’t want to be afraid of the deep end, and I wanted to be able save myself if I had any trouble in the waters.
I didn’t think there was anyone out there that would be able to teach a grown adult how to swim, because I always though “swimming lessons” was directed to children only.
I discovered Mr Bills Swim school through Google when I found out Spa Total Fitness swimming lessons came across the search engine. I decided to email Mr Bills Swim School to find out if they teach adults how to swim. I was incredibly happy when Mr Bill emailed me back with a date to start my swimming lessons. Over the past 3 months of taking private lessons with Mr Bill, I am not longer afraid of the deep end, and I know how to swim. Mr Bill is very kind, and very patient. He is a wonderful instructor, and he is very good at explaining things very well, of what mistakes ppl make in the waters what they need to do to improve. I have looked forward to my swimming lesson every Monday to see what new skill I will be learning in the water.
Signing up for Mr Bills Swim school is the best thing I’ve ever signed up for in my 38 years of life. Now I can finally enjoy being in the water . I can finally swim in the deepwater without the use of floating devices, and not just sit around in the shallow end like I did prior to my days of Mr Bills Swim School."
Ronda Collicutt

Je suis vraiment contente que j'aie pu choisir l'enseignant de natation que je voulais pour mes enfants, selon leur personnalité. De plus, j'ai beaucoup apprécié qu'il essayait toujours de parler en français avec mes enfants qui sont francophones. Il les a fait travailler fort et il n'a pas eu peur de corriger leurs mouvements lorsque nécessaire, ce qui était très important pour moi. Cet enseignant a aussi essayé d'accommoder mon horaire très chargé. Je le recommande fortement!
Cindy Brideau